Friday, March 16, 2007

hmmm, life here and people here make me treasure friends back home ALOT. really. i miss the awesome friends i have back home. people i trust so much, love too much, grow together in all aspects of life, and just hang out with each other. i miss the honesty and how much we clicked just like that.

unlike the feeling here when ure forced to come together, under SOME circumstance, and then ure expected to have common interest, same amount of maturity and become , best friends for life. its sucha sickening thought sometimes. it makes me wanna scream out in frustration sometimes- at the OBVIOUS lack of unity in mindset we have. i miss you colleeenybabeh i miss talking deep stuff with you. what nian said was true. like, there was NO ulterior motive. we love eached other because we just did! i love EVERYONE on my links list. CG and all. its quite a sickening feeling here not knowing who's trustworthy or whatever shite. if someone comes and betray me, im gonna jack them up so bad. cos i have a feeling something like that might happen. might. i dont need no fake friends alright. pissmeoff only. there's this really tense atmosphere going on here, aint good i tell you. pisses me off badly sometimes cos i didnt come here as jane said, to be a babysitter.

MOVING ON, other than that negative side of life, im loving it all i think? i taught dafffy how to use skype :D that's good stuff! now i can talk to daffunu anytime i want! after talking to daff till around 5, quickly showered, and slept for 10 mins, bfore my friend came over to wait for andrew to pick us up at 7. went with amelia and rachel and audrey, for dinner at broadway (some popular asian food place i think?) then BASKIN ROBBINS, then drove down south to meet cheeks, eug, simon, james, and abel. waited while they ate their dinner. it was already 10 by then! we were supposed to crab at 10. ANYHOWS, we drove down to mandurah, which was an hour or so away!

was slightly before midnight by the time we got there. CRABBING IS FUN! rach was so scared she was clinging on to me ): and i keep getting shocks cos she's scared of fishes! thank god there was eug who was quite a MAN. it was kinda like blind walking cos u trudge in the water to catch these crabs, with flashlights and nets of course, and its kinda freaky especially when u step in the sand holes, or when u step in algae, cos the crabs might just bite you, but i had pretty cool catches! cheeks and eug taught me how to crab! (: yea, AND I DIDNT GET INJURD!

came home at 5 am. LONG STORY. eug's car's immobaliser got wet, if that's how u spell it. we had to wait for RSA. $148 bucks, was it worth it compared to driving 2.5 hours home to get the spare immobaliser, and then driving the 2.5 hours back? (:

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