hahs. new intake new intake. april intake people! this was dimsum lunch day! gaby is so pretty! she's g's cousin! how small is singapore YOU TELL ME. then the blue guy's gaba's boyfriend's bro. SEE. point proven. his name's fangren.lesi's in the pic too, and the last boy's jek. JEK is SO MUCH LIKE WONNY. so demanding. too much man. (:
gaba and i (: prettaye gaba! and that fungiiss. because i love eating hargao so much he was like HA! COW! so they used to call me HA! COW. :/ now its just cow. or wadever. that fungi was so idiotic. we didnt even know he snuck into our picture!
and this is v! victoria! she's super adorable! i like her! she's like the little sister i always wanted, but never ever could have! she's so funny! like sometimes she just follows what i do! like once, strangely our airconditioned class room had a fly. i was paying attention during maths class, but suddenly i couldnt resists it, and used my pen to whack the fly, a few secs later, from the corner of my eye i saw the dear girl doing the same thing! and another time, i hummed the pink panther song to myself really softly, and like the LONG VERSION of it, and when i stopped, someone hummed the same thingg.
might sound really lame, but then its really cute when you look at her innocent face after doing whatever you did, and she gives you that "heh heh" smile after imitating you. hahaha. so funny :) she's so sweet too! mmm! and best, my whole time table is EXACTLY the same as hers. cant been that man!
then there's jek. he's like SUPER CHILDISH, but super grown up at the same time! he's super mean! but is also SUPER NICE. mmm. these small boys. come here for a year and go back for army. ARMY. he's a really nice kiddo. although, sadly, half the time he acts like cheeky chan ): he says im blessed with one beeg brother and one small brother.
PERHAPS that's true (:
after church on sun, everyone left, cheeks and bobby asked me to go scones with them. i thought bobby was my ride, since mitch wanted to go home first, so i told cheeks that i'd go have scones with them. long story , some miscommunication, anyway, ended up at the guys' house where drey and i were supposed to have dinner. drey and i cooked dinner, and while the onion rolled, i accidently sliced my finger with the chopper. crazy blood kept flowing. i was amazed at their concern. cheeky sprayed on some spray on plaster. was really good! stop the blood from coming out! and then because this has to be the 1023948282 time i injurd my fingers, judging from the still visible scars from the week before, he said i should stop cooking. or they should get me an armour. i thought that was so funny :)
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