Saturday, March 3, 2007

the only picture i took on my birthday. HO. :D with lucky giselle. as in, the only one i appear in.dont worry! i'll loose the weight alright! i havent touch any chocolate/chips in a week. sompa!
hah. no i dont sompa. (:

but YOU KNOW WHAT! my friends are really AWESOME PEOPLE! they bought me this 2 crazily large bags of processed food to eat for umm, i think a year?? those coldstorage kinda bags that are supposedly to make the environment more clean and green! MMM! i was late for sch see, and i saw these 2 strange people walking to sch during slot 2. (slot 2 's my free period) and they looked VERY FARMILIAR. and i saw all the food from a distance and thought, WOW, I GOT SURPRISE PARTY.

whatever. turned out ALL the food was for me.

we celebrated at my fav chicken place! COME TO PERTH AND I'LL DEFINITELY DRAG YOU THERE!

mmm yess. i think my friends are bored of it already. at least shung loves them! :) and lesi too!
and now for the killer food items! these are not all! half of them already in my food storage cabinet! too lazy to take them out just for a photo (:

oh and the middle guy, he's kenneth, from hongkong, apparently his voice is ULTRA good! do you think he's cute? when sch just started, and nobody knew anybody, he was like alot of girl's eyecandy. haha. but wells, sadly, I DONT! but then hehs, i think he's ultra funny! (:

cos like his friend was cutting his hair for him, and accidently cut to deep, so he had to shave of the hair; so as not to ruin his image, BUT get this. they use normal shaver! very funny, i asked him once why his hair so un-even, cos my bro shave's his head to right, so i know what a SHAVED head must look like wad HO. :D and he said they didnt have the electric one, so they used the normal shaver!

i laughed till the guts hurt.


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