Thursday, January 25, 2007

im currently reading a book by oswald chambers. my utmost for his highest.

but before we choose to do God's will, a crisis must follow. this happens because we tend to be unresponsive to God's gently nudges. He ask us to be our utmost for him and we begin to
debate. He then providentally produces a crisis where we have to decide - for or against.

i remember my tea with godpa the day before i flew off. godpah's really nice btw. :D and really smart/wise/UBER COOL to me. REALLY AWESOME. he told me that if i really wanted to have this close relationship- total dependence kind, i should ask him for an un-met need. at that point when gohpah said it, i was thinking of a CERTAIN un-met need, and i thought THAT was the need that was gonna bring total dependence on God. HOWEVER, god's plans are always greater than us, his thoughts and ways, by far, always higher than ours. hah. i feel so dumb :D

anyway, it could've been worst. i could've been born in oct, and stuck here forever, 5 weeks isnt that bad.

oh the reason why i take double english's cos we have to take 5 units of english. 1 unit every term, but then we only have 4 terms, so they let you take double english in terms 3 and 1. but then you might not be able to take your choice subject and all that kinda crazy problems might arise. mmhmm.

anyway, yesterday during english lesson, my teacher went,

"amanda, can you give me a sentence with the word 'having' inside?"

and i proudly answered, from the back of the class, " im having a stomach ache!"

WHICH IS WRONG! do you know that! my teacher said that nobody usually says im HAVING a stomach ache. she said it should have been, I HAVE a stomach ache!

betcha didnt know that too!

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