Saturday, January 27, 2007


im having huge cravings for yongtauhoo with instantnoodles, omg. its seriously a MAJOR CRAVING. i feel like im gonna die without it! im almost gonna drool! argg, im thinking of hokkien mee too! i thought by eating alot of it everyday, i wont crave it when im here! but NOPEYDOPE! (nian thinks that theory doesnt exist. im pretty sure it'll work if i went back and ate more hokkien mee) OMG. i think im gonna get gastric by just thinking of stupid yongtauhoo and instant noodles.


daddy left today):
im all by myselfffff. DONT WANNA BE- ALL BY MYSELF, anymore.

was in the city with lesi and manoj. YES. can you imagine! Lesi's housemate, is MANOJ GURUNG. (if i rmb correctly) omg. what a coincidence! he's like from gmeth too. hahaha. so anyway, we ate lunch, and then took the bus to habourtown, where i shopped ): which is a bad thing. but at least i told mummy what i bought! and umm, exceeded the limit daddy set for my spending today. RHHH. things we saw in the city and habour town were so pretty and cheap i could just die!


tmr's gonna be a boring day, but cool night(: hernshung's coming back to perth!

oh and i had the lamest convo today.
with, guoliang.

he was asking me whether daniel bennett and i were related, i said we might be, but probably not. however, he was so certain we were related, asking me to ask daddy and mummy to check our family tree. he insisted daniel bennett might be my uncle! the convo went on, and on, and on, and ON.

was so funny! hahahaha. and i had a lot of cool convos with alot of cool people. all the ONEcamp ppl too(:

i get by with a lil help from my friends- beatles

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